Proposal Format
Research proposals will be limited to 7 single spaced pages that address the following:
- Proposed topic and its importance. How is it new, unique or different? What will it contribute to the industry and who will benefit?
- Brief review of relevant research/policy literature
- Description of methodology proposed, including data collection and methods of analysis
- Importance of findings to the industry
- Symbolic or figural model outlining the framework of the study
- Evaluation plan and expected outcomes
- Proposed itemized budget
- Proposed schedule
- Brief list of current other support (subsidies, grants, bursaries, awards, etc)
Attachments such as current curriculum vitae of all members of the research team (if a team project) including each members affiliation and role in the research, a bibliography, variables list, model, tables, etc, are allowed and are not counted in the seven page proposal limit.
Two letters of recommendation are required from scholars who support the research being proposed. Only one of these two recommendations may be from the applicant’s own institution, if applicable.
Evaluation Process
Each proposal will be evaluated by a multidisciplinary subcommittee made up of Directors of the CPF. If necessary, outside support will be sought, depending on the proposal submitted. Final decisions on the allocation of funds will be made by the full Board of the CPF.
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals submitted will be evaluated on the following criteria:
Quality of the proposal – The proposal must clearly define the issue being researched and describe the methodology that will be used to investigate the problem. The objectives must be clearly stated. Professional outcomes must be consistent with the highest academic standards for scholarly productivity in the discipline.
Importance to the industry – The proposed research must define activities that are expected to make a significant impact on the field of study.
Breadth and depth of the proposed research – The proposed research should be part of a significant project, one which will provide long range benefits to the industry.
Research productivity – The applicant’s research experience and record as determined by scholarly publications or presentations. Is the applicant qualified to carry out the proposed research?
Applicants research funding – The total project cost must be clearly identified along with all other subsidies, grants, bursaries, awards, etc.
Application Submission
Proposals for research grants will be accepted throughout the year for awards made on April 1 and September 1.
Incomplete applications will not be considered. Contact Sharon Lewinson at if you have any questions regarding the application or submission process. All awards are contingent upon continued funding from the CPF and will be reviewed annually.
Applications should be sent to
Notification of Award
Applicants will receive written notification of award status from the CPF by April 1 or September 1.
Funding Criteria
An applicant may submit only one proposal to the CPF Research Grant Program for review at any one time. All research grantees will be required to submit a brief (3-6 pages) progress report mid-way through the grant period. A final report will be submitted at the end of the grant period. Funding will be linked to the approval of the progress report and the final report. Grantees will receive one-third of the total award at the beginning of the grant period, one-third upon acceptance of the progress report, and one-third upon acceptance of the final report.
The final report should acknowledge that the research was completed with the assistance of the CPF.
The rights to the manuscript will remain the exclusive property of the researcher. All concepts, products or processes produced by or resulting from the research rendered by the applicant in connection with this grant application, or which are otherwise developed or first reduced to practice by the applicant in the completion of the research, and which are patentable, capable of trademark or otherwise, shall be and remain the property of the applicant.
The CPF shall have a permanent non-exclusive royalty free license to use any concept, product or process, which is patentable, capable of trademark, or otherwise produced by or resulting from the research rendered by the applicant in connection with the project.